What to Expect

You can expect to be greeted by our friendly office staff along with Dr. Matt. We will take your paperwork that you’ve downloaded/printed/filled out and make a copy of your drivers license/state ID and insurance card. Doctor Matt will review your paperwork and health history, and then do an exam to check your spinal health and evaluate your chiropractic needs. If you and the doctor feel that any other tests are necessary to evaluate your health he may send you to another facility for further evaluation. You will then receive your gentle and low force adjustment and a plan to start to improve your health and wellbeing.

Monday: 8a-11:15a; 2p-6p
Tuesday: 8a-11:15a; 2p-6p
Wednesday: 8a-11:15a; 2p-6p
Friday: 8a-11:15a; 2p-6p

1914 Colvin Blvd.
Tonawanda NY 14150
Located near the corner of Colvin & Brighton adjacent from Tim Horton’s

21 Benefits of Chiropractic care you might not have expected:

1 Improves joint mobility, function and health.
2 Makes tight muscles loose and loose muscles tight and improves the contractibility (thereby strength) of the muscle.
3 Decreases degeneration of the joint and connective tissues (arthritis).
4 Decreases the on-­-going inflammatory process associated with the subluxation.
5 Improves circulation taking stagnant blood out and bringing new blood in.
6 Speeds up the recovery process.
7 Improves nerve system function and the individual nerve’s ability to carry nerve impulses more efficiently.
8 Strengthens the immune system.
9 Improves individual organ system function (heart, lung, sinuses, digestive, etc).
10 Improves a person’s disposition (they’re more FUN to be around).
11 Calms a hyperactive mind and energizes a depressed mind.
12 Increases energy, vitality and improves sleep.
13 Relieves/Improves Prenatal Discomfort
14 Decreases length of labor and associated back pain.
15 Decreases the adverse effects of stress.
16 Improves athletic performance (for ANY sport).
17 Improves Quality of Life by enhancing the enjoyment/fulfillment of a person’s Key Values
18 Prevention ability for sickness, disease and pain.
19 Improves overall health and wellness for infants and children.
20 Improves cognitive ability (ability to THINK more clearly).
21 Oh…and it DECREASES PAIN!

Why do children need chiropractic care?

A child’s spine develops rapidly in the first years of life and many things can affect its proper function. Things like falls from a bed or change table, sudden stops in a vehicle, unsupported head movement, or even the birth process can affect how the spine develops. Children commonly bump into things, have falls, or hit their heads, especially when learning to crawl and walk. All of these incidents, which may seem insignificant at the time, can lead to spinal problems. It is far easier to maintain health for a lifetime, than try to regain health once you begin to lose it.

How do I know if my child should be checked?

Often times it is difficult for parents to determine if their child has a spinal problem. Many parents choose to have their children checked by a chiropractor on a regular basis as a preventative measure, and as a means to improve their child’s overall health and function
The following are indications that could be checked by a chiropractor:
· Feeding problems in a young infant
· An infant that will only feed from one breast
· Sleeping difficulties
· Colic
· Bed wetting
· Persistent ear aches
· Headaches
· Growing pains
· Torticollis
· Scoliosis

How can chiropractic help?

Spinal adjustments in the infants and children are gentle and are aimed at relieving nerve interference in the child’s spine and restoring proper function.

Chiropractic During Pregnancy

· Many changes occur to the woman’s body during pregnancy.
· As the baby continues to grow, more stress is placed on the mother’s pelvis and lumbar spine.
· Chiropractic care through pregnancy helps the mother deal with physical, chemical and emotional stress, allows the baby to be in the optimal position for a natural delivery, and corrects irritation to the spinal nerves to allow for the full expression of life.
Dr. Matt has six children, who have been adjusted since birth and has helped hundreds of mothers through their pregnancies and their children stay well for the past 25 years.

Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire, enlighten, empower and heal, as many people as possible so they may realize their true God given potential, and provide exceptional experiences to all those we serve.

Why Does Chiropractic Work?

1 You are designed to be healthy. Your body has a natural ability to heal and maintain itself.
2 Your nervous system is the “master controller” of all healing & self-regulating.
3 Physical, chemical and emotional stress can interrupt normal nerve function, interfering with you natural capacity to respond & adapt in a healthy manner.
4 Chiropractic care helps reduce or remove spinal distress, which optimizes nerve system function, and promotes overall expression of health.
Everyone can benefit from regular chiropractic care!

COVID-19 Information

We intend to maintain our normal business hours at this time. MTWF 8-11:30am and 2-6pm
We are scheduling fewer appointments per hour. This change is intended to minimize space and time between practice members as they enter and exit our building.
Patients may choose to wait in their car for their appointment if that reduces their stress.
We have implemented a regular sanitizing protocol for all common contact surfaces in the office (door knobs, counter tops, adjusting tables, chairs and hand rails).
The adjusting table is sanitized after every patient
If anyone is experiencing cold- or flu-related symptoms, cough, fever over 100.5, traveled outside of the Western NY area, we respectfully ask that they please postpone scheduling until 14 days after those symptoms have subsided. We ask you to use caution and minimize potential risk to others.
Despite these unique and unusual circumstances, we will strive to continue providing the quality chiropractic services that our community has come to expect after 25 incredible and fun filled years in Tonawanda.
Please feel free to call our office if you should have any further questions or concerns. We thank you for your patience, your support, and your ongoing trust in our care!